Kamil Vavra | @vavkamil

Offensive website security | Bug bounty | Ethical hacking

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Hi there,

My name is Kamil, Iā€™m an ethical hacker living in Brno, Czech republic. Currently working as Application Security Engineer.

Iā€™m interested in offensive security, bug bounty, and web application penetration testing.

White hat probably since ~15yo, when I first learned about XSS & SQLi. Since then, reported many security vulnerabilities to top companies all around the world.

I used to write code in Perl a lot, but have been learning Python for a while. You can check my projects on GitHub or follow me on Twitter.

Regarding bug bounty, Iā€™m on both Bugcrowd (started in 2015) and HackerOne and I do a lot of responsible disclosure as well.

Lastly, sometimes I do public talks and courses about ethical hacking (Iā€™m also an OWASP Czech Chapter Leader). If you wanna reach me, check the contact page.

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